Shy Guy Wiki


"I am Ganon! Lord of Evil! King of Darkness!! Wielder of the Triforce of Power!"

—Ganon to Rick Finkelstein

Ganon is the Great King of Evil who attempts to rule the land of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda series and eventually conquer the entire world by obtaining the mystical Triforce and he also has his minions, who are the Moblins. He also appears in the Bowser's Kingdom show, where he is voiced by Andrew Raskin (who voices many other characters as well, including Hal).

Bowser's Kingdom[]

Ganon is first seen in Episode 6, where is attempting to apply for welfare at the unemployment office run by Rick Finkelstein. When Rick asks Ganon what his name is, he boasts all his elaborate titles that he is clearly very proud of. Rick, however, tells him that his title is too long and therefore puts him down as "Angry Blue Pig". Rick then asks Ganon what his abilities are, and Ganon claims to possess apocalyptic powers. Despite the fact that Rick had previously allowed a standard Pokey (whose only abilities included moving back and forth and retaining water) to apply for welfare, he tells Ganon that he is apparently not eligible for welfare and asks him to leave. In response, an infuriated Ganon threatens to burn the whole world down, but Rick gets impatient and forces him to move along.

Ganon makes a cameo in Episode 10.

In Episode 666, Geno and Big Boo take turns in telling of how the zombie invasion came to be. Big Boo claims that it's due to the devil's minions coming to take people's souls, and in a vision, the devil is shown to be Ganon. Big Boo then tells the group that he's joking and that they're "all gonna die".