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'Turbo Mecha Sonic  (or just  Mecha Sonic) is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is a powerful and ruthless robot copy of Sonic the Hedgehog, created by Dr. Eggman, he also appears in the popular Flash series created by Alvin-Earthworm, Super Mario Bros. Z, as the main antagonist of the first saga, collecting the Chaos Emeralds to reach his ultimate form, Master Mecha Sonic. He makes a minor role at the end of Bowser's Kingdom Episode 8, beating up Hal the Koopa and Jeff the Goomba at taking the Chaos Emerald they had found as a homage to SMBZ.

In Super Mario Bros. Z[]

Mecha Sonic is well known by fans in the popular series, Super Mario Bros. Z, created by Alvin-Earthworm, where he is the main villain of the series' first saga. He was once known as Metal Sonic, and was considered Dr. Eggman's ultimate creation, as he had one thing that previous Sonic robots didn't, persistence. He challenged Sonic several times, failing each time, until he fused with 2 original Sonic robots, transforming into Mecha Sonic, he then betrays Eggman and causes the latter's orbital base of operations, the Death Egg, to crash into Mobius, Sonic's home planet, Mecha Sonic survives the explosion and sets of to find the Chaos Emeralds, killing Sonic's friends, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream in the process, he eventually found six of the Emeralds, the last in Sonic's possesion, but after a ruthless beating, Mecha Sonic collected the last Emerald, however, thanks to Shadow the Hedgehog's timely appearance, Mecha Sonic was thwarted, but having enough energy to use Chaos Control, he sets off to the dimension the Emeralds were warped to, the Mushroom Kingdom, but Sonic and Shadow jumped hot on his tail, and used a capsule to warp themselves to the Mushroom Kingdom as well, joining with Mario and Luigi to help find the Chaos Emeralds and destroy Mecha Sonic.

Alvin-Earthworm has confirmed that Mecha Sonic will collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds.

In Bowser's Kingdom[]

Mecha Sonic makes a brief appearance in a secret ending to Bowser's Kingdom Episode 8, where Hal and Jeff land in a random area, finding the red Chaos Emerald, which Jeff mistakes for candy, when Mecha Sonic appears and demands the two hand over the Emerald, when Jeff refuses, Mecha Sonic brutally pummels Hal to death and knocks him to the ground, Jeff then eats the Emerald and gains golden hair like that of a Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball Z, he then proceeds to fight Mecha Sonic, and manages to hold him off, but Mecha Sonic eventually stomps on him. Collecting the Chaos Emerald, Mecha Sonic calls them "douchebags" and fucks off with his rocket boosters, having wrecked our heroes' shit.